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Words of Life

Chase The Favor

By Sam Collier November 29, 2020 Words of Life

Recently, I interviewed the three Kendrick brothers—masterminds behind movies such as Fireproof, Facing the Giants, War Room, and, most recently, Overcomer. They have been tearing it up in their field, and yet years ago, before they got their start, the last thing they thought they’d be doing now was producing “Christian films.” They wanted to be big Hollywood producers, but their mom, a faithful Christian, prayed them down a different path. During our interview, Alex Kendrick made a statement that sticks with me still. Referring to the day when he and his brothers decided to pursue filmmaking that honors Jesus, he said, “We vowed to chase the favor of God.”

Chase the favor of God.

For the Kendrick brothers, this hidden principle led to movies that would gross upward of $85 million each. Now I’m not saying that following God and his favor for you will lead to your getting rich. If you have traveled around the world, then you know it doesn’t work like that. What I am saying is that as you are faithful to follow God’s grace and favor, you will have all you need to accomplish his work. Yes, you may need millions of dollars to pull off a mission he has for you. Or what you need may look like this:

The motivation to start a new business or nonprofit.

The courage to adopt a child or mentor a teen.

The passion to help lift people from poverty who are struggling just like you did.

The encouragement to prevent someone from taking his or her life.

I don’t know where God’s provision will lead you, but I am totally sure of this: He will provide for you exactly what you need to act on what he has graced. Your part is searching out, aligning your life with, and surrendering to what God has predestined for you to do. His job is everything else, my friend.

Everything, everything else.


Sam Collier appears this Monday on LIFE Today. This is an excerpt from A Greater Story by Sam Collier. Copyright ©2020 by Sam Collier. Published by Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group. Used by permission.

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