As members of the groundbreaking GRAMMY-nominated and Dove Award-winning Crabb Family, Aaron Crabb and his wife Amanda are loved by Gospel music fans across the country.
Aaron and Amanda have always had Pastors’ hearts, but until God begin to deal with them they didn’t know when or where. In March of 2013, God commissioned them to birth the dream that had been given to them 10 years prior.
As the worship leader of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX, Aaron began to seek God for direction. While life was comfortable and music was being made, God told Aaron that he wanted him to take his family, leave stability, and plant a church in Hendersonville, TN.
On July 9th, 2014 that dream became a reality. Restoring Hope Church began in the auditorium at Trinity Music City in Hendersonville, TN on Wednesday nights. With their family of 5 and soundtracks, they ministered to 25 people that first Wednesday night service. God blessed and the congregation grew. September 14, 2014, they not only had over 500 in attendance, but they were able to announce that God had made it possible for them to obtain their own property. After much prayer, renovation and restoration, Restoring Hope Church began services at 1041 Center Point Road on November 2, 2014.