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Jamie Radtke serves as the president of Explore God, a ministry that creates and leverages quality content and media that enable young adults, seekers, and Christians to explore, experience, and engage in God’s plan for their life.

After running for the United States Senate in 2011–2012, Jamie’s twenty-plus years in the world of public policy compelled her to found WE Believe, a nonprofit focused on impacting young adults with the real, relevant, and transformational love of Christ. In 2017, WE Believe and Explore God joined forces to maximize their talents, resources, and impact.

Jamie has worked for nonprofits, in higher-education, in corporate America, and in all levels of government. She is a frequent commentator and speaker. Her strengths are in speaking, strategic planning, and business development.

In addition to her passion for Explore God, Jamie and her husband have a passion for foster care and adoption. They have been foster care parents and recently adopted a child from the foster care system. Jamie also serves as a political appointment on the Hanover Department of

Social Services, where she can serve and help steward these important issues. Jamie received her undergraduate degree from Liberty University and holds a Master of Public Policy from The College of William & Mary. Jamie and her husband, John, have been married for nineteen years.

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