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How To Love Your Wife

By James Robison and Jay Richards Words of Life
I have been blessed by God with the most wonderful wife. Only God could have designed such a perfect mate, friend, mother, grandmother, and now, miraculously, co-host of the LIFE Today television program. Betty was plagued with a spirit of fear for much of her life. It manifested itself in feelings of…
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Your World

By Kyle Idleman Words of Life
Your world was created by the power of words. You’ve had people who spoke life-giving words to you, who helped you believe in God, in yourself, in the possibility of change. Those words built you up and created the positive things you appreciate about your life today. You’ve also probably…
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Getting Unstuck

By Chip Ingram Words of Life
I have a good friend who feels stuck. That’s not an uncommon feeling. You have probably felt that way at some point in your life; that point may even be right now. Perhaps you’ve experienced the feeling of being stuck in your marriage, your job, your home life, or your…
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Power as Power Is Needed

By Lee Strobel Words of Life
If the Jesus story is encouraging to us, think about what it did for the people whose lives were intertwined with his. "Jesus was radically reconfigured and redefined by resurrection," said Eugene Peterson. “And now they were being just as radically reconfigured and redefined by resurrection." Now they knew for…
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In Him, We Are Free

By Unknown Words of Life
One Saturday, on the day of rest, Jesus and his disciples were walking through a field of wheat. The disciples were hungry, so they plucked off some heads of grain and rubbed them in their hands to eat. But when some of the Pharisees saw what was happening, they said…
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Look Back And Underline

By Amy Seiffert Words of Life
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Psalm 23:6 That’s quite a promise. Goodness and mercy will follow me forever? Really? I want to believe it, but many days it feels like anxiety and fear follow me around. Goodness and mercy—they seem like fictitious…
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An Unexpected Savior

By Susie Larson Words of Life
There’s a picture in a pile of old family photos that’s worth a thousand words. I’m about six years old, my brother, about seven and a half. We’re sitting in front of the Christmas tree with our newly opened gifts. Me with my new doll and my brother Jeff with…
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Peace or Panic?

By David Marvin Words of Life
One of the biggest challenges about the anxious thoughts we have is that there is some truth in them. That’s why they can be so powerful. If there was absolutely no truth to our thoughts, we wouldn’t be tempted to dwell on them. But half truths are only half true,…
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