Behind the Scenes
60th Anniversary
- Nov 29, 2022
- By The LIFE Team

Celebrating 60th Anniversary of Ministry – a time to remember, honor and celebrate!
Time provides perspective, and 60 years later there is much to look back on, celebrate and commemorate from James Robison’s call to ministry with Betty Robison faithfully by his side.
A shy teenager who gave his life to Christ, James also felt a call to evangelize and was transformed into one of the most powerful preachers in America.
In laying their lives down to serve Christ, James and Betty have seen the words of Ephesians 3:20 come to fruition, as God has done exceedingly abundantly above all they could have asked or imagined when they were young teenagers and just married.
“LIFE Outreach International and the daily LIFE TODAY program continue to reach millions each year with inspirational and encouraging guests in studio, as well as share opportunities for LIFE’s partners and friends to support ongoing mission outreaches around the world.” – Randy Robison, LIFE TODAY Cohost.
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