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No Second Amendment
A Yale-educated journalist, Zmirak shows how the right of self-defense against authoritarian government was affirmed in the Bible.
What if the potential of a citizenry to exercise force against violent criminals and tyrannical governments is not just compatible with church teaching but flows from the very heart of Biblical faith and reason? 
What if the freedoms we treasure are intimately tied to the power to resist violent coercion? 
This is the long-overdue case John Zmirak makes with stunning clarity and conviction in No Second Amendment, No First. A Yale-educated journalist and former college professor, Zmirak shows how the right of self-defense against authoritarian government was affirmed in both the Old and New Testaments, implied in Natural Law, and part of Church tradition over the centuries.  
In a time when free speech and the free exercise of religion are under threat, No Second Amendment, No First is nothing less than an urgent call for moral clarity and a full-throated reminder of what is at stake in the war for our nation’s soul.
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Artist: John Zmirak
Topic: Political
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