Alisa Keeton is a wholehearted pursuer of God’s love. She is also an author, speaker, and the founder and CEO of Revelation Wellness. As a health and wellness professional for nearly 30 years, Alisa carries a deep passion for bringing fresh meaning to the world of health and fitness. In 2011, Alisa launched Revelation Wellness. As a nonprofit, Revelation Wellness uses physical and mental health practices as a tool to spread the gospel message for a wholehearted faith, equipping people to become whole and live well through extensive programming including online and in-person events. The Revelation Wellness Instructor Training Program equips and sends out “fitness missionaries” around the world, while vWell V offers free faith-based streaming workouts to anyone with access to the internet. Alisa is the author of The Wellness Revelation, Heir to The Crown, and recently released The Body Revelation. Alisa lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband Simon and their two young adult children, Jack and Sophia. Together, they are a family on mission to change the world with the kind and courageous love of God!