It is once again my joy and privilege to present LIFE’s Annual Report. In this 60th year of ministry and marriage, Betty and I have so much to be thankful for, especially friends like you who have supported the work of the ministry around the world. You are part of our LIFE TODAY family of believers, committed to sharing the light and love of Christ with a world in need.
Presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ and revealing His love in action through the mission outreaches are our calling. And the results are lives changed spiritually, hungry children fed, the poor given clean water and those once ensnared in human trafficking set free. These are all mission outreaches you help make possible through your gifts of love.
As we near the end of this year, we continue to pray for a strong finish, seeking to accomplish all God has called us to do. And as we look forward to 2024, please remember . . .
. . . we LOVE sharing LIFE with you!
James and Betty Robison