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Words of Life

Loving in Word and Deed

By James Robison January 11, 2011 Words of Life

. . . and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17
LIFE Outreach International remains committed to helping people discover life and freedom in Jesus Christ.  The ministry’s strength has been our willingness to convey that message in the most effective ways possible.
In Colossians 3:17,  we are encouraged to do everything we do – feed hungry children, drill fresh water wells, care for orphans, rescue children from human traffickers – in the name of  Jesus. 
Over the years of ministry, James and Betty Robison and the entire LIFE Outreach team have seen love – as expressed in word and deed – change lives. 
While we live in a world where status, money and possessions too often define life’s values, we have been privileged to walk among the world’s poor to see the value of a single cup of clean water, a bowl of food or a simple, sturdy home.  
The word, legacy, means “to send, bequeath or hand down something by a predecessor.”  We want everyone to experience what we have treasured – fullness of joy that only God can give through His son, Jesus Christ.
But it’s not a legacy if it’s not passed on. As you have received life, you can leave a legacy by offering life to someone else and becoming the answer to someone’s fervent prayer. 
We invite you to join us and share life in both word and deed!

. . . and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

LIFE Outreach International remains committed to helping people discover life and freedom in Jesus Christ.  The ministry’s strength has been our willingness to convey that message in the most effective ways possible.

In Colossians 3:17,  we are encouraged to do everything we do – feed hungry children, drill fresh water wells, care for orphans, rescue children from human traffickers – in the name of  Jesus. 

Over the years of ministry, James and Betty Robison and the entire LIFE Outreach team have seen love – as expressed in word and deed – change lives. 

While we live in a world where status, money and possessions too often define life’s values, we have been privileged to walk among the world’s poor to see the value of a single cup of clean water, a bowl of food or a simple, sturdy home.  

The word, legacy, means “to send, bequeath or hand down something by a predecessor.”  We want everyone to experience what we have treasured – fullness of joy that only God can give through His son, Jesus Christ.

But it’s not a legacy if it’s not passed on. As you have received life, you can leave a legacy by offering life to someone else and becoming the answer to someone’s fervent prayer. 

We invite you to join us and share life in both word and deed!

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