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Words of Life

The Grace In Us

By John Bevere July 8, 2012 Words of Life

Why have we simply not believed what God states in His Word? Our covenant with Him reads, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power [grace] that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20). It is not according to the power that comes periodically from heaven; nor is it according to the power that comes from finding a man and woman who possesses a special ministry gift. No, it is according to the power that works in us.

Pay particular attention to the front portion of that verse: God is able. Imagine that a severe famine hits a particular area of the world. However, a very generous and charitable nation in another part of the globe send its military to the troubled area with barges and cargo planes filled with fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, meat, and fresh water. The military general releases a statement to the citizens: “We are able to give as much food as you can carry away.” The first guy comes with a picnic basket and carries away a couple days’ supply of food for two people. The next guy comes with a large sack and carries away enough food to feed his family for five days. However, the next guy backs in with the huge pickup truck and carries away enough food to last his family and several hungry neighbors for the next month.

The guy with the picnic basket sees the pickup truck driving past his home with more than a ton of food in the bed. “Perturbed” doesn’t describe his demeanor; he’s irate! He complains to the neighbors and anyone else who will listen, and finally his complaints reached the ear of the general. The general summons him and counters, “Hey, we told you we were able to give you as much food as you can carry away. Why did you come with such a small container? Why didn’t you come with a larger container? Why didn’t you back up your pickup truck into our outposts?”

What is the Christian’s container when it comes to God’s grace? According to Ephesians 3:20, it is what we can ask or think. God is saying, “My grace [power] in you can go far beyond any container you bring!” In other words, our container determines how much we will partake of the unlimited supply of available. To put it bluntly, our container is the only thing that limits God. I believe God is asking you and me, “Why are you thinking of only what it takes to get by? Why are you merely thinking of you and your family? Why are you not tapping into the full potential I’ve placed within you and making a significant mark on everyone around you as Daniel did?”

This is why Paul passionately prayed that we might know and understand “what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us to believe” (Ephesians 1:19, AMP).

Look at Paul’s choice of words carefully: immeasurable, unlimited, surpassing greatness. When it comes to God’s power for your life, what does each of those words mean to you? Notice that Paul is talking of “power in us,” not power that we might get periodically from a chosen minister if God happens to be feeling good that day. It is also “power for us,” empowering us to rule in this life. It is power for us to rise above and distinguish ourselves so that others can see the evidence for the resurrection power of Jesus Christ! It is power for us to shine as bright lights in this dim world. 

Excerpted from Relentless: The Power You Need to Never Give Up by John Bevere (Waterbrook Press).  Watch John and Lisa Bevere this Monday and Tuesday on LIFE Today.

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