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Words of Life


By Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright September 3, 2023 Words of Life

We all face various trials and difficulties. Sometimes they hit hard and fast; other times they park and set up shop.

What are you dealing with right now? Do you have a strenuous workload that leaves you exhausted beyond reason? Are you studying long hours in college while also working a job? Are you suffering through your third round of chemotherapy? Do you have a child whom you’ve trained and taught to love the Lord that is now living in total rebellion? Do you have bills to pay with no money in your bank account? Are you living in the agony of a loveless marriage? Have you just lost another baby to miscarriage? Are you dealing with a chronic illness that keeps you up at night? Whatever difficulty you are dealing with, the story of Rebekah reminds us of the immeasurable blessings that God has in store for us if we hold fast to our faith and glorify Him through whatever we endure.

Rebekah had just completed backbreaking work, drawing as much as three hundred gallons of water for ten thirsty camels, without any modern-day technology or conveniences! She didn’t have a cushiony pair of Nikes to wear. Her feet must have been aching and even blistered, her shoulder muscles must have had a million knots in them, and her back must have throbbed. But all we know for certain is that she completed the task out of the goodness of her heart for a total stranger — and that the entire time she was engaged in this hard and hot labor, the man was watching.

And when her work was completed, the stranger gave her beautiful gold jewelry worth a small fortune. I doubt Rebekah expected a reward for her work, much less such extravagance! It was clearly not her motivation in helping.

Rebekah’s story serves as a reminder of the reward that awaits you and me as the bride of Christ. As we work hard to faithfully discharge our responsibilities, as we sacrificially help others, as we endure trials or suffer in any way — God is watching us. And the Bible says that He will reward us! “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:23-24). Lest we lose sight of our reward, at the end of the Bible, Jesus reminds us, “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:12).

God sees all that you are going through, even when you think no one else does. He sees when you are passed up for a promotion and when you work hard as a volunteer. He sees the suffering you’ve experienced physically, mentally, or emotionally, and He knows that you still follow Him with your whole heart. He watches you stay up late caring for a sick child or an elderly parent. He sees you serve others with joy while silently grimacing in chronic pain. Whatever it is, God the Holy Spirit sees! He knows how to reward you far beyond your wildest imagination.

My dad played for the University of North Carolina Tar Heels basketball team. His sophomore year, his undefeated team topped off the season by beating Kansas and Wilt Chamberlain in triple overtime for the NCAA national championship. My dad was thrilled! He helped cut down the net, held up the winning trophy he had worked so hard to earn, and celebrated with his team that night. But, he told me years later, the next morning he felt somewhat empty. The thought that kept nagging at him was, Is that all there is? A moment. A memory. And a trophy that tarnished in the glass case of the university museum. The reward didn’t seem to match a lifetime of practice, training, and sacrifice.

We can’t possibly fathom how perfect and how great our eternal reward will be for our service to our Lord here. There will be no disappointment, no “is that all there is?” questions, when we get to Heaven. While we certainly don’t serve the Lord just to get a reward, He knows our deeds and will give to each of us according to what we have done.

Some of the rewards He promises will be given to those who are persecuted for His name’s sake, to those who love the unloving, to those who give to the needy without showy pretense, to those who pray and fast, to those who give a cup of cold water to the thirsty. The rewards are endless. Some are given in this life. Some will be given in the life to come. The Bible says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Serving Him out of duty or obligation becomes drudgery. Instead, our service should be the joy of our lives because of all He has done for us. As we serve Him, He sees every detail and knows just how He will reward us.

You and I have a reward waiting for us in Heaven. When we step through those gates of pearl… see the scars on His hands and His feet… see the love in His eyes… we will take the crowns He gives us in reward for our lives lived here for Him and lay them at His feet in worship! And regardless of how hard the work has been, at that moment it will be more than worth it. Because He is worth it!

Don’t lose heart. Don’t give up. Keep working hard for the Lord! He may reward you in some way on this earth, or He may reserve all of His reward to give you personally when you see Him face-to-face in Heaven. Remember, the real reward is Jesus. So stay motivated!


Hear more from Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright this Tuesday on LIFE TODAY. Excerpted from Preparing To Meet Jesus by Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright. Copyright ©2023 by Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright. Published by Multnomah, an imprint of Random House LLC. Used by permission.

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