Millions of children and women are trafficked around the world each year, at risk of physical and psychological trauma and, in the worst cases, death.
What is RescueLIFE?
Millions of children and women are trafficked around the world each year, at risk of physical and psychological trauma and, in the worst cases, death.
RescueLIFE was initiated in 2008 to combat the evil of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a $150 billion industry. Each year, millions of men, women, and children endure the evil of sex trafficking, exploitation, and slavery. Current estimates show nearly 5 million women and children are victims of sex trafficking. The effects of trafficking are horrendous, and the lifelong impact can be debilitating, leaving its victims to struggle with shame, fear, hopelessness, disease, drug addiction and, in the worst cases, death. While the evils of human trafficking on a global scale may be staggering, we know they are no match for the love of God and the redemptive power of Jesus. Mission:RescueLIFE takes the light of God’s love into the darkest places on earth and boldly seeks to reach, rescue and restore women and children from modern-day slavery by combating the horrors of the sex industry through a threefold approach.
RescueLIFE was initiated in 2008 to combat the evil of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a $150 billion industry. Each year, millions of men, women, and children endure the evil of sex trafficking, exploitation, and slavery. Current estimates show nearly 5 million women and children are victims of sex trafficking. The effects of trafficking are horrendous, and the lifelong impact can be debilitating, leaving its victims to struggle with shame, fear, hopelessness, disease, drug addiction and, in the worst cases, death. While the evils of human trafficking on a global scale may be staggering, we know they are no match for the love of God and the redemptive power of Jesus. Mission:RescueLIFE takes the light of God’s love into the darkest places on earth and boldly seeks to reach, rescue and restore women and children from modern-day slavery by combating the horrors of the sex industry through a threefold approach.
Why We Need Your Help
save lives
1 child
2 children
4 children
10 children
REACH children living in at-risk villages where human traffickers are known to target impoverished children. The outreach provides education about the reality of human trafficking, so families are aware of the tactics of traffickers. Mission teams also provide relief and assistance within the village, so children are not sent away to work.
RESCUE as many women and children as possible from the sex industry itself. Through intervention, we rescue children, teens and women from this lifestyle they were forced into and held captive by, freeing them to rebuild their lives.
RESTORE the hearts, minds, and bodies of those who escaped the sex industry, providing an environment where they can safely be restored to the beauty God designed for them.
Why We Need Your Help
REACH children living in at-risk villages where human traffickers are known to target impoverished children. The outreach provides education about the reality of human trafficking, so families are aware of the tactics of traffickers. Mission teams also provide relief and assistance within the village, so children are not sent away to work.
RESCUE as many women and children as possible from the sex industry itself. Through intervention, we rescue children, teens and women from this lifestyle they were forced into and held captive by, freeing them to rebuild their lives.
RESTORE the hearts, minds, and bodies of those who escaped the sex industry, providing an environment where they can safely be restored to the beauty God designed for them.
Donate Now
Thank you for your contribution, which is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. If funds exceed the specific need of a project, or due to unforeseen circumstances the project cannot be completed, they will be used for similar purposes or other outreaches of LIFE such as Mission Feeding, Rescue LIFE, Water for LIFE, and The LIFE TODAY program. While every effort will be made to apply your gift according to an indicated preference, if any, LIFE Outreach International has complete discretion and control over the use of the donated funds. We thank God for you and appreciate your support.
LIFE Outreach International is a longtime member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).