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Look Up

By James Merritt Words of Life
This may sound simplistic, but when you’re stressed out, go outside after dark and just look up. That’s what Isaiah told the nation of Israel to do, “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens” (Isaiah 40:26). In other words, he said, “Get out of your fetal position, quit…
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Stay True

By Susie Larson Words of Life
You’re standing on the battlefield, in an arena. You look to the left and right and see several arched doorways with their gates open. Though you don’t see them yet, you hear hungry lions roaring in the shadows. You sense they’re about to be unleashed into the arena to attack…
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Get Rid of the ANTS

By Jentezen Franklin Words of Life
One day in the early 1990s, psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen had a hard day at the office. He met with several patients, including four people who were suicidal, two teen runaways and two married couples who couldn’t stand each other. He came home that evening to a kitchen infested with…
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Redeem Your Pain

By Delilah Words of Life
All too often I speak with people who mourn their past. And I get it. My past wasn’t full of rainbows and unicorns. I wasn’t served up opportunities on a silver platter. (In fact, any silver platters I’ve ever had, I found for a bargain price at a thrift store…
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How To Be A Good Host

By Scarlet Hiltibidal Words of Life
You’ve probably heard 1 Corinthians 13 before. It is often called the “love chapter.” You’ve probably heard it read at weddings. I grew up hearing it in songs. I colored pictures in Sunday school with it printed on the bottom. But it’s something I have to remind myself of, when…
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Faith Is A Journey

By Ann Voskamp Words of Life
There is no shame in this needing each other; need is our greatest need. This is how we live the love story of our dreams. This is the way of all the epic love stories: Dependence deepens attachment. Vulnerably tying hearts to each other isn’t tying us down; it’s pulling…
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Freedom from Sin

By Kyle Winkler Words of Life
The enemy’s attacks on an unbeliever are very different from his attacks on a believer. In the lives of people who have not put their trust in the saving work of Christ, the devil’s goal is to keep them from doing so. Ultimately, he wants to keep people eternally separated…
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From If To Action

By Randy Robison Words of Life
One of my favorite verses, and lifelong prayers, comes from Mark 9:17-24 where Jesus encountered a man whose son suffered from seizures. When the father brought him before Jesus, the boy fell to the ground, convulsing and foaming at the mouth. The father begged, “If You can do anything, take…
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