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From Outsider To Insider

By Ruth Graham Words of Life
In elementary school, little groups of friends form. They have their own special secrets and ways. Maybe you were part of one of those groups. Maybe you weren’t. If you were, then you felt more confident and shared in all the group did. You shared the same interests, played the…
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Sleep Well

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Have you ever lost sleep because something was not right in your life? Tossing and turning in bed while your mind tosses and turns is miserable. Lies demand constant plotting to avoid getting caught. Bitterness envisions confrontation or revenge. Fear ties you up in knots, eventually wearing you down. Worry…
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From 9/11 To 3:16

By James Robison and Jay Richards Words of Life
Twenty years ago this weekend the world stood still in a state of total shock. Terrorists had flown two airliners into both towers of the World Trade Center. It was a direct hit on symbols representing the United States’ economic strength. A third plane slammed into the Pentagon, which represented…
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Be Who You Are

By Joyce Meyer Words of Life
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you someone else is the greatest accomplishment.” Trying to make others be what we want them to be or succumbing to their pressure to make us be what they want us to be is…
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From Fear To Courage

By Dr. Robert Jeffress Words of Life
Many Christians I encounter talk a good game, but when things get rough, they fold their tent and go home. These believers mean well, but they haven’t fully invested themselves in following Christ. Like fine china when company comes to visit, they pick God off a shelf and dust Him…
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Who Is Your One?

By Jarrett Stephens Words of Life
Jesus was sent in love (“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,” John 3:16, emphasis added) “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). Here are two important things we need to notice about those who are lost whom Jesus is seeking out…
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The Courage To Choose

By Dawn Barton Words of Life
Have you ever been around a miserable, mean person? Someone who emits real negativity, and when you’re in their space it kind of sucks the life out of you? It’s as if they’re a black hole that might drag you in if you get too close, so something in you…
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By Anne Neilson Words of Life
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. PSALM 147:3 We were well into a three-year process of building a new home for our family in the early 2000s—a process that challenged me and caused me to draw near to God in a new way. After crossing hurdles regarding…
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You Are a Masterpiece

By Michael W. Smith Words of Life
So many today, desperate to find answers, are asking the tough questions about life, like: Is this really all there is? Does my life matter? What am I doing here? How can I find purpose in my life? Well, here’s a very different question for you: Have you ever wondered…
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Change Your Stance

By Jonathan Evans Words of Life
I remember when I played in the NFL under Coach Bill Parcells. One of the first things he did when we came to training camp was adjust our stance. The stance for a football player is the starting point. It’s how you get ready before you go. But Coach wanted…
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