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Behind Closed Doors

By Samuel Rodriguez Words of Life
Prior to the pandemic we used to hear so much about open doors. Churches looked for ways to open doors for ministry, while businesses and schools implemented open-door policies. People would say, “I’m waiting for a door to open before I step out in faith. I know God’s going to…
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God Is That Good

By Jonathan Pitts Words of Life
I’m one of those people who was raised in a family where there was no question about whether God existed or whether Jesus Christ was the Savior. I don’t really remember a time when I didn’t believe. Just as surely as my parents fed me plenty of vegetables to maintain…
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What Are You Fighting For?

By Jamie Grace Words of Life
I was single for much longer than I’ve been married. And when l was single, there was a certain part of my job that was harder than anything else. I have always loved being onstage. It’s exciting when hundreds or even thousands of people are singing along and having a…
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Weakness Leads to Power

By Todd Lollar Words of Life
In the story of the paralytic man being lowered through the roof of a crowded building so that Jesus might heal him, most people focus on the faith of the paralytic man’s friends. But have you ever considered the story from the paralytic man’s point of view? Did he need…
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Jesus, My Hope

By Laney Rene Words of Life
…but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. ISAIAH 40:31, NIV It can be incredibly hard, when we feel like God has given us a promise,…
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We Will Not Be Silenced

By Erwin Lutzer Words of Life
This is not a moment for timid souls. Boldness comes easily when you are in the presence of those who agree with you; it is difficult when you are standing alone in the midst of people who seek your demise. Boldness behind a pulpit is one thing; boldness in a…
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Kiss The Wave

By Mark Batterson Words of Life
The obstacle is not the enemy; the obstacle is the way. On the day Sir William Osler delivered his address at Yale University, Wilder Penfield was sitting in the audience as a student.  What inspiration he took from Osler’s speech is unknown, but Penfield would discover just how difficult it…
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Every Good Gift

By James and Betty Robison Words of Life
Every good and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights… (James 1:17a)  Jesus is the most perfect gift – the greatest gift – we celebrate during the Christmas season and Christmas Day. A child was born, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. This…
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When God Is Hard To See

By Stacy Henagan Words of Life
Not long ago we received a phone call one evening. A friend’s son had committed suicide. Just a few weeks later, another phone call came, this time at four o’clock in the morning. A friend in our church had died in a car accident. Then just a few weeks after…
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You Can Do Amazing ‘Kingdom Work’ Right Now

By John Bevere Words of Life
In all my years of travelling, I’ve often asked my audience’s what their definition of faithfulness is. The common responses I’ve received have been loyal, committed, consistent, reliable, and steadfast. All these are accurate definitions...but there’s a word Jesus associates with faithfulness that I rarely hear: Multiplication. Consider the parable…
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