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Chase The Favor

By Sam Collier Words of Life
Recently, I interviewed the three Kendrick brothers—masterminds behind movies such as Fireproof, Facing the Giants, War Room, and, most recently, Overcomer. They have been tearing it up in their field, and yet years ago, before they got their start, the last thing they thought they’d be doing now was producing…
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A Grateful Heart

By James Robison and Jay Richards Words of Life
In this time of uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to remember the goodness of our Lord. Whether we stay apart because of COVID or cautiously gather together, let’s remember those who have suffered and pray that a perfect cure is available soon. May we have a “sound mind,” as…
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Seeing Beauty Instead of Pain

By Lysa TerKeurst Words of Life
  “The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.” Luke 8:14 (NIV)  My life hasn’t been a bed of roses.  What an odd statement. It’s supposed…
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The Priority of Loving People

By Dr. David Jeremiah Words of Life
Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31). Within the same priority of love there’s a second application. We’re to love our neighbors—and we have 7.7 billion of them! We can’t know or personally care for each of them, but the Lord knows exactly how to lead…
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Safety In Numbers

By Daniel Kolenda Words of Life
When contemplating the armor of God listed in Ephesians 6 on one occasion, it suddenly occurred to me that all of the protection it provided faced forward. It seemed that armor provided no protection for its wearer’s back. This seemed strange to me since a sword in the back will…
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Do You Trust God?

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Much of life comes down to one question: Do you trust God? It’s easy to say “yes,” but you will be tested. There will be things you don’t understand, situations that don’t make sense, and questions that go unanswered. The what, when, why, and how will not be found every…
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Unlocking Heaven

By Carlos Whittaker Words of Life
We all have made agreements with lies. Those agreements in turn produce behaviors we are all trying to fix. And when we discover those agreements and break them, we find freedom. It’s a simple concept. Yet there is also a complicated thing that keeps many people from pulling this off:…
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Truth Amid The Liars

By Jeff Dodge Words of Life
Crete was a mess in all sorts of ways. Clearly, they needed help. More precisely, they needed leadership. Think about this: it is likely that some Cretans had become believers many years prior to Titus’s arrival. Acts 2 says there were Cretans present when Peter preached his very first gospel…
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How to Pray for Our Enemies

By Tom Gilson Words of Life
At last! I finally accomplished one of my life’s goals last weekend. It was so thrilling, I emailed my fellow Stream editors so they could enjoy the moment with me. One of my articles got mentioned at Right Wing Watch, a project run by the stridently activist left-wing group People for…
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