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Mask Off

By Levi Lusko Words of Life
For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God. 2 Corinthians 1:12 ESV You’re out in public and you catch a glimpse of yourself. Maybe when you see…
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A Future and a Hope

By Susie Larson Words of Life
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 We often picture this beautiful passage on a greeting card or inspirational wall art. But Jeremiah prophesied this word…
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The Other Side of the Dip

By Shaun Nepstad Words of Life
A guy in the Bible named Joseph had a dip. A thirteen-year dip. He had dreamed that his brothers would bow down to him. They hated him before he blabbed his dream, and now they hated him even more. After the brothers threw Joseph into a pit and began contemplating…
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Own the Call

By Banning Liebscher Words of Life
If you are a believer in Jesus, you have a call of God on your life. This call has two dimensions—identity and mission. You are first called to be somebody—to fully identify as a son or daughter of the Father, just like Jesus. Operating from that relational identity in turn…
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Help! I’m Afraid!

By Dr. Jack Graham Words of Life
I’m told that there are more than 365 “fear-nots” in the Bible – at least one for every day of the year, so that tells me God knows that we are all going to experience, fear, anxiety, and worry at some time in our lives. And the Bible is filled…
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A Love Like No Other

By Tom Gilson Words of Life
We sing at churches of Jesus’ matchless love, and rightly so, but do we understand how differently he loves? For example: does he ever show any sign that he wants to be liked? I raise that question advisedly, for there’s a difference between loving a person and liking him. Liking…
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The Illusion of Invulnerability

By Dr. David Jeremiah Words of Life
Most of us live under the illusion of invulnerability, particularly when we’re young—particularly, too, I think, when we’re male. Men enjoy the illusion of controlling their own destiny. We determine our own fate (or perceive we’re doing so) by acting and taking things into our own hands. We feel we’ve…
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Explain Yourself

By Ravi Zacharias Words of Life
Apologetics comes from the Greek word apologia. Always be prepared to give an apologia, a reason for the hope that is within you. When Peter saw the confusion at Pentecost, he explained, “This is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel.” He brought evidence to bear and gave an explanation. …
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A New Beginning

By Clayton King Words of Life
It was late May in Jerusalem and it was hot, especially where we were standing at 4:00 p.m. on old Mount Zion. The streets were filled with people, both inside the walls of the old city and outside the walls in the new city, and bustling with tour buses and…
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