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Why Not Now?

By Jentezen Franklin Words of Life
Jesus Christ was the greatest gift the world has ever been given. The next greatest gift is now. Today. We are not promised tomorrow. We are not promised another month. But you do have the incredible gift of right now. If you remember, Jesus was crucified between two thieves. I…
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When You Fight, You Win

By Jimmy Evans Words of Life
Some Christians seem to be discouraged all the time. Here are two perspectives of people who are chronically discouraged. Expect victory without difficulty. Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the…
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Servant Kings

By Ken Harrison Words of Life
When I was nineteen, I got a job at an underage nightclub working as a doorman. I had walked with the Lord my whole life, so this job was getting me an education in a world with which I was completely unfamiliar. The club was in a rough area of…
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Anxious For Nothing

By Jennie Allen Words of Life
My friend Jackie has tried to get pregnant for five years. The ache in her soul has been nearly unbearable. I was with her not long ago, and her despair had grown so intense that she was losing all hope in life, in God, in His “good and perfect gift”…
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We All Need A Coach

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Today, two football teams square off in a game viewed by more people on the planet than any other championship. While the focus will be on the players on the field, there is one position that has more impact than any other. He will never catch a pass, throw a…
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When You Need A Breakthrough

By Sheila Walsh Words of Life
Finding our identity in anything other than Christ is like building our house on the edge of a volcano, and it could blow at any minute. If someone or something destroys that identity, we don’t know who we are anymore. We were created to worship, and we will worship something…
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New Building Blocks

By Louie Giglio Words of Life
Here’s a twist—in Christ you have been born twice, so you have a new Father to resemble, and there’s a whole new heritage stream coming down to you. That means you have two family trees. It also means you have two birth certificates. One is earthly, one heavenly. On one…
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Better Than His Promises

By Whitney Capps Words of Life
God tells the prophet Jeremiah to make this grand pledge to Israel. God has a message for His wayward people.  He makes good on His first promise of the land, but it means so, so much more than that. The Lord God makes a greater promise, a promise to be with His…
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Make 2020 A Good Year

By Randy Robison Words of Life
I have an affinity for mayonnaise with olive oil. Think about it: a regular turkey and cheese sandwich goes to the next level with a little olive oil mayonnaise. Seriously. It goes from being average to being really good. And the thing is, you don’t really notice the mayo unless…
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The Place Called Heaven

By Dr. David Jeremiah Words of Life
As you work your way through the hundreds of mentions of the word heaven in the Bible, you soon realize there is a plurality of heavens. In fact, the Bible specifically speaks of three distinct heavens. When the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians about his visions and revelations, he…
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