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Heaven Came Down

By Jimmy Witcher Words of Life
Why on earth would Jesus give up His awesome gig in Heaven with God the Father and come to live among us as a man? He gives us a hint in John 10. He came to be a gateway, a path, an opening. He came to lead His people to…
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A Generous Season

By Randy Robison Words of Life
The season of giving is here. We shop, we wrap, we bake, we give. It’s a wonderful time to be generous with those we love and even a few strangers. Scripture extols the virtue of generosity. The book of wisdom tells us “the godly love to give” (Proverbs 21:26). While…
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The Truth We Need

By Niki Hardy Words of Life
When we found out Jo was dying, my dad wished more than anything he could take it from her—even change places with her—and when she died his grief was the sorrow of a father unable to save his little girl. As a dad, his love was never in question. His…
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The Altar Of My Life

By Michele Cushatt Words of Life
Four years ago, I would’ve told you my biggest battle was fighting cancer and trying not to die. I now know otherwise. The biggest battle I fought—and continue to fight—is the one for my faith. It’s surviving the complexity of childhood and the suffering of adulthood without becoming blind to…
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Filled With His Spirit

By Anne Graham Lotz Words of Life
The family home of my childhood is located in a cove that is accessed by a narrow drive that winds around the mountainside. Almost three-quarters of the way to the house, the drive takes a sharp right-angled turn. A mountain spring is located at this bend in the road. When…
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Grace From The Inside Out

By Kasey Van Norman Words of Life
Grace always flows from the inside out. Our God-honoring actions will never truly honor God if he does not hold the place of honor in our hearts. This is why forgiveness is the key that opens the door to freedom in the Christian’s life. The more truly forgiven by God…
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Greater Purpose

By Paula White-Caine Words of Life
God has something greater for us. We all have dreams yet to fulfill, promises waiting to come to pass, songs and books yet to write, companies to build, families to start, sermons to preach, and seasons to weather. We are the only ones who can forfeit what God has for…
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