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Divine Armor

By Dr. Michael Brown Words of Life
It’s clear that we can’t fight demonic powers, let alone Satan himself, in our own strength. The devil is incredibly crafty, devious, cunning, enticing, murderous, destructive, heartless, and ruthless—just to name a few of his negative attributes. As human beings, we cannot fathom how evil he is, and he has…
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There Is Grace

By John Lindell Words of Life
The thing I want you most want you to know is this:  No matter who you are or where you come from; no matter what you've done or how many times you've done it – there is grace for you.  If you are laboring under a constant sense of unworthiness,…
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The Lie of Yesterday

By Cavanaugh James Words of Life
The Lie of Yesterday says because you messed up in X, Y, or Z yesterday, you are not able to experience the fullness of today. This lie will tell you things like, Well, you’re not fully sorry for what you did, so you don't get to enjoy today. You really didn't…
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America and the Narrow Road

By James and Betty Robison Words of Life
Our choices in life determine our future. When we make wrong choices and everything falls apart, many people blame God for letting their lives crash and burn, not recognizing they walked right into the trap of the enemy — sometimes blindly, sometimes with eyes wide open. “‘O Israel,’ says the…
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Used By God?

By John Bevere Words of Life
When I first entered the ministry, nearly every morning I spent one to two hours in prayer. My prayers went something like this: “God, use me to save souls, use me to heal the sick, use me to cast out devils.” On and on I would pray – the same…
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False Faith

By O.S. Hawkins Words of Life
What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do…
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My Parting Shot

By Phil Robertson Words of Life
Before my life with Christ, my running buddies and I had a saying posed in the form of a question: “Who's a man?” It was a question we'd ask before a good party, a hard fight, or an evening of whoring around. We were convinced that real men did what…
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Give And Receive Love

By Michael Ellison Words of Life
The journey of wellness is about more than physical health. It also includes emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellness. When they are all combined, you have a strong sense of well-being and are able to pursue and accomplish significant, fulfilling life purposes. In other words:  Your overall health is measured by…
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