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Pursue Healing

By Susie Larson Words of Life
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV) When fear attaches to our experience, it’s hard to separate the two without intentionally doing so. Since fear is a spirit and it’s not from…
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Bullets Whistling In The Trees

By Peter Pretorius Words of Life
We couldn’t hold gospel outreaches and preach in Mozambique, but thankfully, the government said our visas still allowed us to enter to assist the poor. For the next couple of years, we often drove back and forth from our home in Nelspruit to Maputo and other points in Mozambique. Every…
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Influence Your Culture

By Dr. Robert Jeffress Words of Life
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again?” (Matthew 5:13a)  In Jesus' day, salt served as a preservative for meat. Salt did not prevent decay but delayed it. Salt gave the meat a longer shelf life, but…
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The Forgiveness Shift

By Miles McPherson Words of Life
How do you know if you've truly forgiven someone?  Any time I find myself in an antagonistic relationship with someone else, I eventually realize that I am only arguing my point of view... with myself. My mind runs through all kinds of self-justifying scenarios to prove I'm right, but all…
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By Lysa TerKeurst Words of Life
We need to remember the difference between news and truth. News comes at us to tell us what we are dealing with. Truth comes from God and then helps us process all we are dealing with. News and truth aren’t always one and the same.  My sweet friend Shaunti Feldhahn…
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The Promise of Deliverance

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Since the fall of mankind, we have all needed deliverance. Each person’s individual smallness in a vast universe demands something or someone bigger to step in and take the reins. We need protection from natural disasters, human evil, and the spiritual enemy who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. And…
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No Substitute

By Andi Andrew Words of Life
I love baking chocolate chip cookies. As a matter of fact, I'm known for my secret recipe. When I went through a season of health challenges, I stopped eating sugar and tried my hand at baking a few healthy, sugar-free things. I love a lot of the recipes we discovered…
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Fight For What’s Left

By Jentezen Franklin Words of Life
I wonder if you have suffered a loss. Maybe your husband just left you. Maybe one of your children passed away in a tragic drunk-driving accident. Maybe your teenager ran away. Maybe someone you love committed suicide. I want you to read the next few words carefully and slowly.  God…
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