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Stop Imagining

By Randy Robison Words of Life
John Lennon released a song in 1971 that still resounds today, even among those born after that time. People are attracted to the idea of “a brotherhood of man,” “nothing to kill or die for,” and hoping “the world will be as one.” However, his original intent was more of…
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Praying God’s Word

By Sara Hagerty Words of Life
In His Word, we have help, especially for the lies many of us have just accepted as part of life. I often find the help I need in the Psalms, which is sometimes called the prayer book of the Bible. The Psalms include prayers that run the gamut of human…
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Take The Risk

By Luke Barnett Words of Life
Dreamers are risk-takers. You can't separate the two. Dreaming and taking risks comes as a package, at least if you want your dream to become a reality. I know that some people are naturally drawn to risk more than others – that's just a fact. But anyone can become a…
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Living In Power

By John Bevere Words of Life
Not too long ago, my son Arden travelled to India to speak at a conference. But when he arrived, they didn't even pick him up at the airport. He texted me, saying, “Dad, what do I do?”  As a father, I was furious. I wanted to fly over there and…
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Everyday Salvation

By Sheila Walsh Words of Life
  A friend called and told me that she struggled with online pornography. Isn’t that something only men struggle with? She told me she’d reached out to her small group the previous year, and very gingerly she’d begun the discussion by saying that perhaps women can wrestle with this temptation…
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Protecting Hope

By John Eldredge Words of Life
I always felt it strange that God needed to command us to love him. (It is the first and greatest of all commandments.) Now I see better. When God calls us to love him as our "first love," it is not only because he deserves to hold that place in…
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The Sound of Silence

By Mark Batterson Words of Life
The Hebrew word for "whisper," demamah, can be translated "silence" or "stillness" or "calmness." Simon and Garfunkel weren't far off the title of the 1964 hit single, "The Sound of Silence." The same Hebrew word is used to describe the way God delivers us from our distress: "He stilled the…
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The Perfect You

By Dr. Caroline Leaf Words of Life
The most important facet of all my research and practice is individual choice. The moment people recognize the power of their minds – the individuality of their thinking and how they have control over their lives – they are truly able to transform their world. When people see themselves the…
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With Grace in Place

By Samuel Rodriguez Words of Life
Grace-full moments. We can't live without them. When we extend grace to others, despite our flaws and weaknesses, we reflect something of the very nature and character of Christ. With grace, sin becomes the enemy, not people. What was it that enabled Paul to endure such sinful opposition and rotten…
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A Glimpse of Heaven

By Dr. Robert Jeffress Words of Life
For the follower of Jesus Christ, death is "moving from one place to another" – like moving from the frozen tundra of the arctic circle to the sun-kissed beaches of Hawaii. Paul described a Christian's change of location at death: being "absent from the body" means being "at home with…
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