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Joy in the Hurricane

By Randy Robison Words of Life
For those of us in the southern part of the country, the last few weeks have been all about hurricanes. Harvey and Irma turned people’s lives upside down. In the aftermath, however, an unexpected secret to happiness can be seen. As scores of volunteers, many from churches, flooded into the…
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Don’t Go Beast Mode

By Jeremiah Johnston Words of Life
Going “Beast Mode” is a good thing in a full-contact sport. If you are a Seattle Seahawks fan, you most likely love the nickname “Beast Mode,” which has become something of modern sports mythology. The term was coined when Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch ripped off a stunning sixty-seven-yard touchdown…
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Confront Your Giants

By Francisco Contreras, M.D. Words of Life
It is important to take a good, hard look at what you believe. Afterward you must confront yourself, and you must confront your giant -- your Goliath who stands at the entrance of your personal promised land, taunting you, defeating you, and threatening to keep you from reaching your potential.…
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Get Some Clothes

By Derwin Gray Words of Life
When we live by religion, or works-based righteousness, we are never sure when God is pleased with our behavior. We are never certain that we are loved. How do you know when you've been good enough if His acceptance of us is based on our behavior?  The motivating fuels to…
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Have Faith

By Kate Merrick Words of Life
"Oh, she's adorable! Is she your first?" asked the friendly checker at Trader Joe's. The question snapped me to attention while Fifi squirmed and struggled in the grocery cart, determined not to leave a single chocolate bar on the display untouched.  As I attempted to be a gracious mother and…
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Letting Go

By Justin Skeesuck Words of Life
The book and upcoming documentary "I'll Push You" chronicles the 500-mile journey of two lifelong friends, Justin and Patrick, across the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain. Diagnosed with a progressive neuromuscular disease, Justin is confined to a wheelchair. Demonstrating a friendship that goes beyond all limits, Patrick set out…
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Fighting From Victory

By Clayton King Words of Life
Nearly 250 years ago, our ancestors were living under the tyranny of the British Empire. They declared their independence from England and launched the Revolutionary War. The Americans won and we became a free people.  You and I have never once fired a shot at a British soldier but every…
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Seeds of Greatness

By Bobbie Houston Words of Life
"Seeds of greatness" never expire. Unlike natural seeds that do expire, the seeds of greatness within you never will. I got saved at fifteen into a church that was a little obsessed with end-time teaching. For the most part, it was fine, but I was young and naïve, so for…
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Worth The Rescue

By Chrystal Evans Hurst Words of Life
In 1987, my family and I sat captivated like thousands of other people watching the attempt to rescue Jessica McClure. The eighteen-month-old girl had fallen twenty-two feet into a well and gotten lodged in a shaft only eight inches in diameter. We stayed glued to the television late into the…
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Clear Vision

By James Robison and Jay Richards Words of Life
Recently, I had two surgeries to remove cataracts from my eyes. Both went miraculously well and the result is amazing. Things I thought were dull beige are now bright white. Even my depth perception has improved, as if I went from a two-dimensional world to vibrant 3D. I am praying…
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