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Powerful Prayer

By Pat Smith Words of Life
Several years ago, a woman named Joy Hill approached me after church and asked if I was interested in joining a new woman’s prayer group focused on praying for husbands who frequently travel.  “God put your name on my heart to invite,” she told me.  Joy was one of The…
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The Perfect Father

By James Robison and Jay Richards Words of Life
Adam and Eve lived in their Father’s presence in the garden. They enjoyed intimate fellowship with their Father, experiencing the joy of His manifest presence. They were at peace, secure, living with confidence under His watch care. Then the deceiver, the serpent, enticed them and they bought the lie, took…
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Celestial Light

By Samuel Rodriguez Words of Life
As the light of the world, we must expose deceptive references to light and continue to point everyone to Jesus, who came as the light of the world destroying darkness through His sacrifice on the cross. We have learned -- some of us the hard way -- that Satan can…
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Let God Define You

By Cheryl Martin Words of Life
All of creation is content to be what it was made to be, except man. Fish flourish in water. Ants are not depressed about their size; they are productive, building massive colonies. We waste time aiming at the bull's-eye on someone else's board, pursuing a race we were never equipped…
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In Me You Will Have Peace

By Steven K. Scott Words of Life
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. John 16:33, NKJV  You may wonder, How can I ever have peace in light of everything I am going through? The strife in the world, your conflicts with others, and the stresses of life make gaining…
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Bold Witnesses

By James Robison and Jay Richards Words of Life
Freedom’s future rests on the shoulders of bold people who will not be silent about truth and the absolute principles upon which it stands. As a Christian I believe the future of our freedom depends upon true believers waking up and standing up like New Testament Christians. In the early…
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The Extra Mile

By Clayton King Words of Life
The Romans created a brutal empire that conquered other nations, states, and people groups at will. They imposed their imperial cult as they built roads throughout the ancient world and spread their culture for thousands of miles. When they would invade the land, they would set up a Roman outpost…
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Beautiful Things

By Jay Wolf Words of Life
Just before school started up for James in the late summer of 2013, we crawled into bed early one night. It had been a full few weeks since Katherine had the painful screws from her broken leg surgery removed, and we had just returned from a wonderful weekend of ministry…
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Who’s Packing Your Parachute?

By Andy Andrews Words of Life
To condition yourself to be happy, you must possess a grateful spirit. Expressing gratitude magnifies our happiness and brings us more happiness.  Most people don't get thanked. There are so many invisible people running in and out of our lives, providing services we take for granted, and they never get…
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