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Take Me To The Place

By Amanda Crabb Words of Life
Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours. (Isaiah 61:7) Between the ages of five and nine I was abused by…
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Freedom Is For You

By James and Betty Robison Words of Life
"The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners." (Psalm 146:7, NKJV)  Have you ever felt insecure? Been afraid to fail? Felt plain and ordinary when others around you seem to be shining stars?  Do you think you have to be "good" for God to love you? You have to "do" in…
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Making Wise Decisions

By Creflo Dollar Words of Life
When I was a young child, my family did not have much financially. I remember making a decision to do whatever I could to bring my family out of lack and poverty. That decision opened the door to what my life is today. Many people look at the success and…
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Eternal Life Now

By Randy Robison Words of Life
The New Testament often refers to the resurrection. Obviously, we tend to think of this in physical terms; that is, life after death. But there is more to the concept than that. In fact, it can apply to each of us today, whatever situation we find ourselves facing. Jesus said,…
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The Morning After I Died

By Lacey Sturm Words of Life
I was not supposed to have woken up. Waking up on the day after I planned to commit suicide was not part of my plan. I remember the moment my eyes opened to the new morning. I could see.  There was a clarity that hadn't been there for as long…
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A Season of Gratitude

By James Randall Robison Words of Life
As the turkey leftovers go into the refrigerator and the Christmas decorations come out of the attic, it’s important to realize that these two holidays are inextricable linked. Without Christmas, there is no Thanksgiving. When the early American settlers gathered in New England with their Native American friends, they shared…
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Waiting on the Lord

By Linda Barrick Words of Life
Fifteen-year-old Jennifer Barrick was the daughter parents dream about: a varsity athlete and cheerleader; a healthy, happy girl with a loving heart. And if the Barrick family had left church even one minute later that night, everything might have stayed the same.  But in a moment, a drunk driver careened…
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