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Created for a Purpose

By Jennie Allen Words of Life
My son Cooper was born and lived three and a half years of his life in Africa. He is five now and is wrestling with the fact that his skin color is a few – strike that – a lot of shades darker than his brother's and mine and Zac's…
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Pay Attention

By Lysa TerKeurst Words of Life
The other day I was in a drive-thru early in the morning. I wanted to surprise my daughter with one of her favorite biscuits. This eating establishment makes them every morning – golden brown on the top and bottom, fluffy in the middle, and good and buttered all around.  It's…
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When Bad News Comes

By Angela Thomas Words of Life
Everyone eventually wakes up to a day when bad news comes. A diagnosis. A call in the night. A notice posted at work. A police officer at your door. In what feels like a very short life, I've already had several times like that. I bet you have too.  Just…
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Sweet Temptation

By Randy Robison Words of Life
“Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials,” James tells us, “knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” Ordinarily, this is counterintuitive. The testing of our faith tends to cause anxiety, fear, confusion, or irritation. What kind of trial can cause us joy? James goes on in…
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All Sins Are Not The Same

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Ask any group of longtime believers this question: Is a bad thought the same thing as a bad action in God’s eyes? Most will say “yes.” If you want to get more specific, ask if God equates anger to murder. Again, I bet most will agree. For most of my…
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In The Fire

By Kasey Van Norman Words of Life
Journal Entry from February 15, 2012   I know that I haven't been feeling 100 percent in the past week, but I wasn't about to tell anyone just how "not great" I've been feeling. This type A person can't bear the thought of not being able to make round four…
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The Honoring Father

By Russell Evans Words of Life
The word honor actually means "to esteem at the highest level" or "to add weight to." It comes from a time when people used to weigh shekels (coins) to determine their value. The heavier the coin, the more value it had. And so it is with honor – the more…
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Forgiveness and Healing

By Joseph Prince Words of Life
There is a reason we can rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus has borne the punishment that was due us: forgiveness and healing go hand in hand. The Bible says that He who never broke a single law of God "...was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our…
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The Little Things

By Carson Tinker Words of Life
We had just come off a great win over Penn State in front of all their "whited-out" fans. It was an awesome feeling, but this week we had North Texas. People said this would be an easy game, that we could let off the gas a little bit, that we…
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