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The Star

By Sheila Walsh Words of Life
It was an unexpected gift at the end of a very long day and a twenty-one-hour flight. I and my team from Life Outreach Ministries had landed the previous evening in Luanda, the capital of Angola in Central Africa. We were there on a mission to meet with elders in…
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Do You Know This Grace?

By Max Lucado Words of Life
Grace is God’s greatest idea. That he would treat us according to his heart and not ours. That he would see us and see his Son. That he would relentlessly attach himself to us in a love that no sin can sever. That he would swing the doors of heaven…
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The Wheat And The Weeds

By Randy Robison Words of Life
“I thought we had a decent yard,” I told my wife. “But now I think we just have a weed farm!” The weather finally cooled after a record-setting summer. It had been so hot and dry that we struggled just to keep our yard from dying. Then the temperature dropped…
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Effortless Faith

By Barry Meguiar Words of Life
For your own spiritual health, you need to be moving everyone, every day, closer to Jesus and spending your quality time with friends who are doing it as well. The dedicated body of Christ is going to be of paramount importance as we face the challenges of living in the…
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The Purpose of the Law

By Dr. Robert Jeffress Words of Life
Many Christians View the Old Testament law negatively. But the apostle Paul also wrote, “the Law is holy” (Rom. 7:12) and “the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully” (1 Tim. 1:8). There’s nothing wrong with the Old Testament law. It’s just that the law, strictly speaking, is limited.…
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How To Leave A Legacy

By Bianca Juárez Olthoff Words of Life
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul told his friends to practice what they’d seen him do. This is a common encouragement from Paul, who wrote to the Corinthians and told them the same thing, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). If Paul…
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Miracles in the Making

By Susie Larson Words of Life
Years ago, one of my sons worked with a person who was demeaning, nitpicky, and didn’t know anything about kindness, encouragement, or vision. Every day was a drudgery, and my son lost heart over time. The light went out of his eyes. He prayed. He forgave. He started each new…
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No Longer Orphans

By Alisa Keeton Words of Life
I have friends who have adopted children born in extreme poverty. It’s not uncommon for these children, now living in safe and loving homes, to hoard and hide food. Some of these babies had gone directly from their mother’s womb to a street corner, where they were left for dead.…
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Hope Has A Name

By Benjamin Windle Words of Life
Many years after the life of Job, there was another man in the narrative of Scripture named Jesus, who shared many of the same qualities. Like Job, Jesus was good and blameless before God. Like Job, raiders came and brought pain to His life. But what makes Jesus’ life different…
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