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The Grace In Us

By John Bevere Words of Life
Why have we simply not believed what God states in His Word? Our covenant with Him reads, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us" (Ephesians 3:20). It is not according to the…
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With A Broken Heart

By James and Betty Robison Words of Life
Our choices in life determine our future. When we make wrong choices and everything falls apart, many people blame God for letting their lives crash and burn, not recognizing they walked right into the trap of the enemy– sometimes blindly, sometimes with eyes wide open. "‘O Israel,’ says the Lord,…
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Abandoning Shame

By Jennie Allen Words of Life
Mrs. Reed was the meanest teacher I'd ever had. All my other teachers had given us hugs and seemed to know how we were feeling, even if we never said. In Mrs. Reed's second-grade classroom, little blue Smurfs lined the wall, each of their white hats displaying a name. Three…
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I Am “Doubting” Thomas

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Thomas got a bad rap. At least, that’s the way I’ve always felt. Maybe it’s because I identify with him more than any of the other original twelve. On the day of Jesus’ resurrection, Mary Magdalene goes to His tomb and finds the stone removed. So she runs and tells…
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Loving Truth

By Mary E. DeMuth Words of Life
"The perpetual delusion of humanity is thinking we are better off hiding than confessing, avoiding rather than facing, clinging to our sickness instead of taking the remedy that's freely given and readily available." -Mark Buchanan   I love that Jesus said "I tell you the truth" 78 times in Scripture.…
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Faith In Public

By James Robison and Jay Richards Words of Life
Our most cherished beliefs as Americans – equality and human rights, the value of the individual, limited government, freedom – are branches of a tree with Christian roots. The founders believed these truths could be grasped by reason apart from special revelation. They are public, even self-evident, truths and not…
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A Light in the Dark

By Jim Cymbala Words of Life
When I was ten, my family lived on Parkside Avenue in Brooklyn near Prospect Park. We live in a small railroad apartment, so called because it had three narrow rooms in a straight line, like boxcars. My older brother, younger sister, and I shared the only real bedroom. My parents…
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Shoes or No Shoes?

By Chet McDoniel Words of Life
Born without arms and with shortened legs, Chet McDoniel inspires, motivates, and entertains people with a valuable message of self-worth and wholeness amidst a broken world. He appears this Thursday on LIFE TODAY. Have you heard the story of the two shoe salesmen? Two guys from two different companies fly…
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