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Fear: Friend or Foe?

By Randy Robison Words of Life
“Where fear is, happiness is not.” -Seneca I love it when the “great philosophers” only get things half right. Seneca, the revered Spanish-Roman writer who lived during Jesus’ time, only saw half the picture in his musings on the subject of happiness. Fear is typically depicted as negative, even in…
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Promises From Heaven

By LIFE Today Words of Life
God's Word is a miracle in your hands. It's a living, powerful, relevant, and represents the highest form of truth on earth. And when we adjust our beliefs and thoughts in accordance with its wonderful promises, transformation happens. Today's devotional comes from Believe This, Not That, a promise book to…
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God Got on His Knees

By Bob Hamp Words of Life
She hated herself, almost as much as she hated him. She had not always been the hating type. She had once been gentle and kind, but life had not been gentle and kind to her. Today, she hated that she had followed one more time. She had followed her fear,…
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A Scandalous Freedom

By John Eldredge Words of Life
Early on in the fanfare of his public appearances, Jesus gives what will become known as the famous Sermon on the Mount. This is a "big moment" for Jesus. He has laid out in detail his understanding of a life that pleases God; he has, so to speak, driven a…
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When I Am Afraid

By Angela Thomas Words of Life
My son William is thirteen. He is one of the all-time best kids on the planet. We call him Renaissance because he loves so many things. He follows Jesus with a tender heart, is great with school work, plays the tenor sax. He’s a little soccer star. And the kid…
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Happy New Year?

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Today is the day millions of people wish each other, “Happy New Year.” But is happiness really something we should seek? Obviously, it depends on what you mean by “happiness.” The two primary definitions employed in our modern vernacular are “pleasure” and “joy.” We say, “I’m happy my team won,”…
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Generous Prosperity

By Dr. Dave Martin Words of Life
According to the Bible, money is a good thing. Money is never referred to as "evil" in God's word. It is the love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10), because love involves obsession. God likes it when money becomes a tool in…
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A Season Of Joy

By Randy Robison Words of Life
As we plunge into another holiday season, complete with obnoxious commercial distractions and endless debate about the appropriateness of religious symbolism, let’s not forget one simple truth: when we help others, we create happiness for ourselves and those we help. Whether it’s by serving a meal to hungry people, giving…
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