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A Mind for the Poor

By Jay W. Richards Words of Life
During my senior year in college, I decided to read the Bible straight through quickly rather than in bite-sized chunks. When I did so, a larger pattern jumped out at me: God's abiding concern for the poor, and his expectation that we share his concern. That's the message from Genesis…
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Destroying Harmful Words

By Beth Moore Words of Life
“The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” (John 6:63)   Have you ever been to a family reunion or other gathering where you can’t even get through the meal without replaying a negative or painful comment that someone said to you, even as long…
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God’s Kingdom Rediscovered

By James Robison Words of Life
Presently, it seems clear that much of the church--many who have trusted Christ--have lost sight of the Kingdom and it must be rediscovered! Jesus came out immediately declaring the need to repent and to receive the Gospel of the Kingdom. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” and…
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Loving in Word and Deed

By James Robison Words of Life
. . . and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 LIFE Outreach International remains committed to helping people discover life and freedom in Jesus Christ.  The ministry’s strength…
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Living As The Garden Of God

By James Robison Words of Life
One of the most beautiful cities in the world is Vancouver, British Columbia. In Victoria amid a background of rugged, snow-capped mountains and passing ships in the harbor, you can visit the Butchart Gardens: 55 acres of beauty, a dazzling display of flowers, manicured lawns and perfectly trimmed hedges and…
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Knowing God as Father

By James Robison Words of Life
Not long ago a chaplain in a federal prison came up with the idea of helping convicts honor their mothers on Mother’s Day.  A greeting card company furnished Mother’s Day cards for the prisoners.  All an inmate had to do was pick up a card and mail it to his…
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Practice Gratitude

By Michael Ellison Words of Life
Some of the most important questions you can ask yourself as you pursue wellness are, “How grateful am Ireally? To whom am I grateful? How am I expressing my gratitude?” Prior to my health crisis, I was grateful for many things I had accomplished, acquired and experienced. But gratitude was…
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