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Eternal Life Now

By Randy Robison Words of Life
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…” (1 Peter 1:3) Easter is a celebration of the most critical component of our faith: the resurrection…
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Go Through Samaria

By Jimmy Rollins Words of Life
I sometimes wonder what the disciples were thinking when they said yes to following Jesus. Today we have the New Testament to let us know what we are getting ourselves into, but they did not have that. What did they have to go on? Jesus was already presenting differently than…
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Ask With Praise And Gratitude

By Benny Tate Words of Life
A.W Tozer once said, “If God takes away everything I have, I will love Him anyway. I will praise Him even if He slays me. We have to overcome, because the overcomer will be able to stand on that terrible day.” Our posture toward God should be one of continual…
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Son or Slave?

By John Sheasby Words of Life
“A slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever” (John 8:35) In that passage Jesus was speaking to new believers, showing them the difference between their relationship to God under the old covenant and under the new. Under the old covenant they were subject to…
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Freedom from Sin

By Kyle Winkler Words of Life
The enemy’s attacks on an unbeliever are very different from his attacks on a believer. In the lives of people who have not put their trust in the saving work of Christ, the devil’s goal is to keep them from doing so. Ultimately, he wants to keep people eternally separated…
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Your Value

By John Bevere Words of Life
According to Jesus, God so deeply cherishes you that He knows the number of hairs on your head. Science estimates most humans have on average 100,000 hairs on their scalp. If you put 10,000 people in a room, do you think you could determine which one has 99,569 hairs? Even…
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Pursuing God’s Will

By Dr. Robert Jeffress Words of Life
What is God’s will for our lives? The answer to that question is the holy grail, so to speak, of our existence. After all, once we know God’s definitive will for us, we’ll be able to spot every signpost and every trail marker on our walk with Christ. We’ll be…
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