Andrea Herzer, author of Incurable Faith: 120 Devotions of Lasting Hope for Lingering Health Issues is intimately acquainted with the hardships that accompany debilitating health issues, having spent the last 20 years with multiple illnesses, including complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Navigating life while undergoing infusions, chemotherapy, more than 100 medical procedures, and all the complications in between has given her deep compassion for those who also suffer. Over the last two decades, she wrote Incurable Faith to help others find the pathway to a life that overflows with the beautiful riches of God’s sustaining love even amid pain and suffering. You can find Andrea’s work on iBelieve, OnePlace and Crosswalk websites. Prior to her career as a writer, she worked in a wide variety of instructional and nurturing roles including teaching first grade. Her favorite role was that of stay-at-home mom. Andrea has also served as a Bible study leader, children’s ministry director, Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) coordinator, and a MOPS small group leader. She lives near Austin, Texas with her husband, Mark. They have three grown children.