Scott and Vanessa Martindale founded Blended Kingdom Families in 2020 in obedience to the calling that Vanessa received from God to minister to blended families. Through faith and radical obedience, they have partnered with God to help spread the Gospel into all blended family homes and equip the church to better serve blended families. The mission behind the ministry is to break the cycle of divorce, equip marriages and unite blended families with the truth of God’s Word, and the vision for the ministry is to provide blended families with a local church and group to provide equipping and support both physically and spiritually. The Martindale’s are a blended family themselves, and they know the struggles that come with the blending process. Scott and Vanessa’s heart behind writing Blended and Redeemed is to highlight the need for community, encouragement, support, and resources in blended families. It is their hope that churches, group leaders, marriages, and families would be able to use this book and its companion guides as resources to help these families find the healing and forgiveness of God’s love through His Word.