Discover the joy of Christmas through the gift of shoes for those who may have never owned any and smiles for those physically able to express it for the first time.
Discover the joy of Christmas through the gift of shoes for those who may have never owned any and smiles for those physically able to express it for the first time.
A former bodybuilder shares how her childhood trauma manifested itself in her fitness pursuit and how spiritual wellness held the real secret to wholeness.
As we step into a brand new year, my heart is filled with gratitude, hope, and expectancy for all that the Lord has in store for us. I believe we’ve all experienced the highs and lows of life, and through it all…
LIFE Outreach International is a Christian, faith-based organization committed to expressing God's love in both word and deed. This commitment is in answer to Jesus' challenge to spread the Good News of His salvation to all people and every nation.