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Words of Life

Small Things, Big Blessings

By Dwayne Weehunt September 5, 2010 Words of Life

Sometimes it is hard to wonder how people can live in the kind of suffering that we encounter in the slums of the world. We ask God, “What do you want us to do? The need is so great.”

Sometimes we see pictures of children smiling and laughing amidst all of this, but God revealed something to my heart once — and this is the miracle of working in the nations: God will increase any gift given in His name.

Years ago on a trip to Haiti (with Terry and Rhonda Redmon, James’ son-in-law and daughter), we spent some time with our interpreter, who grew up in Cité Soleil, one of the largest slums in Port-au-Prince. It was a massive slum and because it was under sea level, it filled with water when it rained. It was just nasty.

All week long, as we were out doing small crusades, our interpreter kept telling me over and over how God had given him a new house and how blessed he was. He described it in a similar way that you or I might describe it if someone had given us a house in a very affluent area. He was so, so blessed.

On the last day of our trip He invited us to come visit his house. We went to a large mansion compound that once belonged to some kind of land baron. But instead of leading us into the big, beautiful house, he lead us to this jail area where, in times past, they locked up their slaves. He was staying in one of these rooms and it still had bars on the door!

This guy stood in front of his home with his arms spread and the biggest smile on his face. He said, “Brother, welcome to my home!” I am not kidding you, it was like God invaded my heart and said to me, “You know, Dwayne, you could live here, but you would be suffering for me. He lives here and he worships me. He’s blessed.”

I was so impacted by this and thought, “God, do you really want me to live in a place like this?”

We have seen time and time again how people in India are so blessed by even the smallest gesture of love. It is not about what you give them, but about the heart with which you give it. It is all about the Father’s heart and the expression of the Father’s heart. How much more will they not be blessed when they realize that Jesus did something far greater than just giving them a meal, providing fresh water or educating their children, but that He loves them and cares about them personally!

We know that God wants to do something about the suffering. That is why He makes every outreach possible despite persecution and through the challenges the enemy devises to discourage His church.

I firmly believe the scripture in Psalm 12:5 where the Lord says, “I have seen violence done to the helpless, and I have heard the groans of the poor. Now I will rise up to rescue them, as they have longed for me to do.” And I firmly believe John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

God wants to bless all nations beyond our wildest expectations, and He wants us to be a blessing to others.

Dwayne Weehunt is LIFE’s mission partner to India. He gave his life to the Lord in James Robison’s office in November 1981. He and Leslie, his wife of 25 years, have four children.

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