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Words of Life

The Greatest Mission Field: America

By James Robison and Beth Moore August 7, 2011 Words of Life

The nation that should be the greatest force for missions has now become the field in greatest need of mission outreach. Pastors and churches have inspired positive outreach around the world; and their ability and willingness to continue doing so is being threatened by a culture that ignores truth and biblical principles while openly mocking those who reference God. Many missionaries that LIFE Outreach supports tell us that America and the church in our nation is a focal point for their prayers. Christians in the underground church in China, as well as believers in India and throughout impoverished Third World nations, report we are on the top of their prayer list. They still believe America should remain a light in the darkness and a source of support to mission outreaches and those in need.

God has made it very clear to me that in order for us to be able to properly face and deal with both personal and national challenges, we must put Him back in first place. It is not too late for America, but now is the time to “humble ourselves, seek His face, turn from our wicked ways” and watch Him supernaturally heal our land.

We can all wish that those in Congress would get on their knees in humility and ask God to forgive us and heal us. It is very important to notice, however, who this challenge and promise is given to and dependent upon: My people called by My name. Our hope, security and opportunity to be blessed and be a blessing depends on the response of God’s people. In prayer, we are to seek His face (His presence). As Jesus said, “Do only those things that please the Father.”

In addition, we are to turn from our wicked ways. In my prayer time, I believe God has revealed one of the most often overlooked practices—actually, a wicked way—of which we must repent is complacency and not accepting personal responsibility for our decisions, as well as those made by national leaders. Remember, these representatives were chosen by people who accepted the privilege of voting. Many Christians do not vote, and if they do, they do so from a very uninformed, unprincipled position. Church members have too often been easily manipulated by deceptive political and media representatives. Responsibility for the mess we are currently in as a nation rests on the shoulders of preachers and church members who have not been actively involved by standing against negative trends birthed and promoted by people who are totally deceived, unprincipled or completely self-absorbed. Those who despise and mock God’s Word are in many ways controlling the direction of our nation. Jeremiah addressed the problem: “If prophets (preachers) had stood in the presence of God, they would have announced His words to the people, and they would have turned back from their evil ways and deeds.” (Jeremiah 23:22, NAS) Isaiah pointed to a serious issue with the people who said to the prophets, “You must not prophesy to us what is right. Speak to us pleasant words.” (Isaiah 30:10, NAS)

Where is the effect of salt and light? The forces of the present world blatantly deny truth because many Christians fail to demonstrate its transforming power. There are many unbelievers who say they respect the Jesus of the Bible and even admire Him; but they don’t respect Christians because of the way they live or their failure to be a positive influence in their own communities. It is time for every one of us who knows Christ to stop just tending to our business and get busy about the Father’s business. God help us to make clear “we are not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe.” The apostle Paul challenged Christians to live as “good soldiers of the Lord Jesus.”

In addition to Third World countries, God is leading me to focus on another mission field: the United States of America. Actually, the very divided States of America. I am going to seek diligently to call the church and the nation back to God. Leaders will never make wise, meaningful decisions without inviting the presence, power and counsel of God into the discussions. It is absolutely essential that we humble ourselves before God and pray if we expect our nation to be healed morally, socially, economically and spiritually.

With your prayers and the help of our friends, I am going to minister to pastors and leaders who themselves are downtrodden, defeated and even fearful. God is so anxious to be their shepherd, to give them strength and the holy boldness to proclaim His truth and freedom to those they are called to lead. With the help of those who care and believe America must turn to God, I will be going across the nation, ministering to pastors, their church families and to communities—calling them to return to God with their whole heart. We will also utilize television and all available media and publications to call the church and nation back to God. Already, I am seeing miraculous answers to prayer and response to truth. Please pray for me and stand with me, for the glory of our Lord and for His purposes to be fulfilled through our lives.

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