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Words of Life

The Sacred Echo: Learning to Hear God’s Voice

By Margaret Feinberg September 25, 2011 Words of Life

As I grow in my relationship with God, I find that he often uses the repetition of a phrase or word or idea represented in Scripture not only to get, but also to keep my attention. Like the parable of the persistent widow, God is a nudnik of sorts when it comes to drawing me back to himself. And I’m grateful. While a single whisper usually leaves me unsure, the repetitive nature of a sacred echo gives me confidence that God really is prompting, guiding, or leading. The sacred echo reminds me to pay close attention, something important may be going on here. The sacred echo challenges me to prayerfully consider how God is at work in my own life as well as the lives of those around me. The sacred echo is an invitation to spiritual awakening.

More and more, I’m finding that I need the sacred echo—the persistent voice of God—almost as if my life depended on it. The sacred echo reminds me he has not departed, he is steadfast, and he has not given up on me. If truth be told, as I grow older, I’m finding I need more certainty—not less—in responding to God’s prompting in my life. Faith is not just moving forward when God seems far off. Faith is sometimes waiting until he is near to take the first step.

My real fear is in prayer being laid bare. Prayer is the place where I’m invited to present the parts of myself that no one else sees to a God who already knows and loves me anyway. You see, for me, my relationship with God is one of the most personal things I have. The tenderness of his presence. The longing to linger with him. The love that grips my heart and won’t let go. I am in love—that I won’t deny. As in any serious love affair, some things are meant to be kept just between the two of you. The problem is that for months now I’ve been sensing this consistent nudge to share some of the things I’m discovering about God. This holy prodding has become so loud and clear through conversations, sermons, and books that even my husband, can hear it. Though I feel like I’m walking in obedience, I still can’t shake the fear of transparency, because the words God speaks to my heart expose me like no other. In his love, God doesn’t allow me to hide behind a handful of quickly plucked fig leaves. He wants to bring everything into the light.

My hope is that you, too, will begin recognizing the Sacred Echoes in your life. Through them I expect that the Spirit will further illuminate his presence in your life. You will hear his voice. You will feel his gentle prodding. You will find rest in the love he sings over you. My prayer is that you will begin to discover God’s voice in your life not just as a whisper but also as an echo, and that you’ll experience a contagious spiritual awakening that can only come from knowing God.

If you missed Margaret Feinberg on LIFE Today last week, watch the programs at her website at, become a fan on Facebook, or follow her on Twitter @mafeinberg. Adapted from The Sacred Echo: Learning to Hear His Voice in Every Area of Your Life (Zondervan, 2008). All rights reserved.

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