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Words of Life

Mothers – one of God’s greatest creations

By James and Betty Robison May 6, 2011 Words of Life

One of the greatest thrills of my life has been to be called “Mom” by my three wonderful children, and of course, now, “Mimi” by our 11 grandchildren.   As any busy mother will tell you, the years fly by from those first days peering over the baby’s cradle, to the time when they leave home.

Mothers have a “memory bank” filled with special moments of loving hugs and lullabies, bumps and bruises made “all better” with a kiss, heart-to-heart talks and rules of the house, or perhaps a favorite meal, or recipe, that become a “special of the house.”

Mothers are unique.  No one is more connected at birth, or holds their special place in our heart.  By design, mothers know how to bless others.   They give out more love than they ever take in.  They work long hours at home with no pay, and many then go work their “other” job in life.  Her touch can cool a fevered brow.  Her words calm an upset child, inspire another, and put “the fear of God” in those who need it. Mothers are the unspoken center of the universe for many a home…they are one-of-a-kind.  

Real mothers “live to give” – first giving life, then, giving continually to children and family, seeking the best for her brood. This weekend we will celebrate Mother’s Day and honor one of God’s greatest creations.  But, every day should be a day of respect, honor and reward for mothers.  Sometimes reward is found in the smallest kind word, or acknowledgement of one of her “duties” most of us take for granted.

Thank God for every mother who puts time, effort and love into her children.  It is a challenge these days with the moral climate in which we live, the financial challenges many face, and of course, the spiritual battle with an adversary who is out to “steal, kill, and destroy” families.  But, in every generation, God is with us, and no one is up to the challenge more than a mother who puts her trust in God.

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