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Believe And See

By Andy McQuitty Words of Life
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit showing, yourselves to be my disciple.” –John 15:7-8 (NIV)  I received an email from a 51-year-old gentleman…
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Live By Conviction

By Tim Tebow Words of Life
First Peter 5:6-7 tells us, “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time, having cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares about you.” The context around “casting our cares” in this passage is humility. Notice what Peter said…
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Because He Lives

By James Robison and Jay Richards Words of Life
This weekend millions of people around the world will acknowledge and many will celebrate the historical fact that Christ arose from the grave. I am grateful for every occasion that reminds people in any way of God’s love freely shared through the sacrificial death of His only Son. Betty and…
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Shame Off You

By Chris Brown Words of Life
Jesus is walking (I love that Jesus did multiple things at one time. He was heading somewhere, he was usually teaching as he went, and he often embraced the opportunity to heal along the way. He was the ultimate maximizer.) As he is walking with his best friends, they see…
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Ask With Praise And Gratitude

By Benny Tate Words of Life
A.W Tozer once said, “If God takes away everything I have, I will love Him anyway. I will praise Him even if He slays me. We have to overcome, because the overcomer will be able to stand on that terrible day.” Our posture toward God should be one of continual…
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Grace For Today

By Penny Maxwell Words of Life
Forgiveness needs to be exercised and managed. What does this look like? It doesn’t mean forgiving in advance for the next twenty years. That’s impossible. Believe me; I’ve tried it. Rather, managing forgiveness means waking up and saying, “Just for today I choose forgiveness.” Tomorrow you do the same thing.…
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Not Guilty

By Max Lucado Words of Life
“Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”—John 8:12 The woman stands in the center of the circle. Those men around her are religious leaders. Pharisees, they are called. Self-appointed custodians of conduct. And the other man— the one in the simple clothes,…
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