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Free to be Flawed

By Pat Layton Words of Life
This is probably one of the most difficult aspects of being a woman, or a Christian for that matter, we will ever encounter: we cannot do anything apart from Christ. Yes, I know you may have been told you can do anything you set your mind to; you may have…
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Risk Your Reputation

By Mark Batterson Words of Life
Do you know why most of us don't experience miracles? It's because we never put ourselves in situations that necessitate one! We comfort the grieving instead of calling people out of the tomb. But if we took a few more risks, we might see a few more miracles! And that's…
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Freed To Set Others Free

By Annie Lobert Words of Life
"I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." – Harriet Tubman  In order for anyone to truly heal, we need to let God reveal the truth about the root of each issue we struggle with. The truth about ourselves…
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The Most Precious Thing

By Andy McQuitty Words of Life
Andy McQuitty is the senior pastor of the Irving Bible Church in Irving, Texas. During his battle with stage 4 cancer, he wrote about the things he learned from his "valley" of suffering. He shares them in his book Notes from the Valley and with James and Betty this Tuesday…
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Your Box Is Never Empty

By Ricky Texada Words of Life
No matter where you are on your journey, and whether you can sense the restorative power of the Lord or not, your story is not over. When Cyd was growing up, struggling with feelings of inferiority and uncertainty because her father was not around, she couldn't imagine that she would…
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First, Pray

By Dudley Hall Words of Life
Eugene Peterson’s translation of the apostle Paul’s instruction to his protégé Timothy regarding the agenda for Christian worship is helpful. “The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well…
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