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For Love of the King

By Daniel Kolenda Words of Life
God is not looking for spiritual "gold diggers" who use Him and His kingdom to get rich, or to become popular or powerful. On the contrary, God is looking for people whose eyes are so fastened on Him and Him alone that none of the peripheral attractions are even in…
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Boston: A Picture of the Church

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Believe it or not, the Boston Marathon bombing revealed a picture of what the church should be. Seconds after the explosions, emergency workers, medical personnel, and ordinary people rushed in to help those maimed by the blasts. Nobody asked the victims, “Are you Republican or Democrat? Are you straight or…
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Unresolved Disappointment

By Linda Godsey Words of Life
I remember a time when someone disappointed me so deeply that I didn’t believe that life could ever be the same again. My heart also broke for others involved who were hurting that caused another whole level of pain. When I finally realized that I couldn’t physically or emotionally carry…
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Faith + Love = Trust

By Dr. Jim Richards Words of Life
The real faith walk of the believer has nearly nothing to do with trying to get "stuff" from God. Faith has been perverted into a selfish indulgence of self-gratification. Our greatest application of faith will be in the finished work of Jesus and who we are in . From this…
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Laws of Love

By Dr. David Jeremiah Words of Life
Mystery writer Dorothy Sayers was a follower of Christ. She observed that there are two kinds of laws: the law of the stop sign and the law of the fire. The law of the stop sign is upheld by the community and enforced with fines. The fine can be increased…
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Praying for Pixie Dust

By Margaret Feinberg Words of Life
"This sounds strange," I apologized, "but I'm praying for pixie dust." I might as well have vacuumed all the air out of the room. While a few stared uncomfortably at me, more than a dozen eyes darted back and forth in an almost unanimous expression: what have we gotten ourselves…
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Sword Words

By Lisa Bevere Words of Life
The saber we’ve been entrusted to bear is not lifted with our hands; it is raised by our words. We speak the Word of God as a weapon heard long before it is ever seen. The last time the world saw the sword, or Word of God, in its mightiest…
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A Commitment to Ministry

By Randy Robison Words of Life
This year, we celebrate 50 years in ministry. I have often been asked how we have been successful for so long. The answer really is quite simple. It's a commitment to sharing the love of Jesus Christ in both word and deed. This goes beyond just my parents, though they…
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I Met Truth at a Strip Mall

By Jim Munroe Words of Life
The night before I went to the weird little church in the strip mall, I was out drinking on 6th street until 2 am. I wasn’t buzzed or tipsy, I was “passed-out-and-wake-up-in-Mexico” drunk. Luckily, I didn’t, and somehow, I managed to pull myself together, take a quick nap, hop in…
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The State of the Kingdom

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Ladies and gentlemen, the state of the kingdom is strong. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, still sits at the right hand of God. He still holds all of creation in His hands. He still moves in the lives of His people, fulfilling His word and making Himself known. Our…
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