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The Act of Love

By Jimmy Evans Words of Life
Some Pharisees once came to Jesus and asked, “Which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” (Matthew 22:36). Jesus answered,“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment” (vv. 37-38). But he didn't…
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Find High Ground

By Susie Larson Words of Life
In every season, hidden in every choice, and every step, and in every moment, is the potential for nourishment or poison, for life or death. Hard as it is to face, and though we hate the thought of it, sometimes, for whatever reason, we'll step off God’s nourishing path and…
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Breath Prayer

By Gari Meacham Words of Life
The apostle Paul urged the Thessalonians to pray without ceasing, but I've always struggled to understand what this might look like in our everyday lives. Do we walk around robotically praising God as we bounce from activity to activity in our crowded days? Or do we retreat to a quiet,…
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Letting Faith Shine

By Nick Vujicic Words of Life
Faith, whether it is faith in yourself and your purpose or faith in your creator, is a powerful beacon, but you have to let its light shine. You cannot allow it to be dimmed by neglect. Sometimes, you may feel like you have faith, but there is no light showing.…
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Mind Renovation

By Christa Black Words of Life
You are a house. You live in this house; you move in this house; you exist in this house. The foundation of your house is your belief system, and the bricks laid are thoughts that you allow inside your head. Some houses are strong and large. Some are beautiful and…
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Portrait of a Wise Man

By Randy Robison Words of Life
I like the story of the “wise men” at Christmas. These men, called magi, were astrologers. They searched the heavens for truth and understanding. But a few things separated them from the rest of the seers, interpreters, and soothsayers of their day, enabling us to call them “wise.” First, they…
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Where Was God?

By Victor Marx Words of Life
One of the toughest questions on earth is, "Where was God when I was " How do you answer a question like that? It's difficult, but five things I have learned: 1) Everything wicked comes from Satan. 2) Everything good comes from God. 3) Although God is powerful enough to…
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