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Blessed Discipline

By Priscilla Shirer Words of Life
Not long ago I was standing in line at the grocery store, just doing the usual routine, transferring my things from cart to conveyor belt, when immediately behind me, in a tone that drew everyone's attention from all around, a young girl began back talking her mother in a most…
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Irreplaceable Integrity

By Randy Draper Words of Life
Before we come to know the Lord, integrity is an admirable quality to adopt. However, after we lay claim to Christ's family, integrity is a nonnegotiable. It's a "have-to," not a "want-to." It's a requirement, not a request. It's one of those traits that is completely and undeniably inseparable from…
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The Lies I Tell Myself

By Jennifer Rothschild Words of Life
“I struggle with not telling myself the truth.” This surprising confession from Jennifer Rothschild, author of Me, Myself & Lies and a guest on LIFE Today this week, actually applies to most everyone. But for her, the awareness of this deception became a springboard to help others overcome this crippling…
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How Much Time Do You Have?

By Edward John Words of Life
"Teach us to realize the brevity of life,so that we may grow in wisdom." (Psalm 90:12) Life can be like a boxing ring. We have to learn to "roll with the punches" by knowing when to duck, move to the side or throw a punch. It's a constant battle and…
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Peculiar People

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Going to church can be like shopping in a whole foods store – lots of fruits, nuts, and flakes. So when I first heard Peter’s declaration that Christians are a “peculiar people,” I couldn’t disagree. I had always taken the word “peculiar” in the adjective form, which is how it…
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Can We Change God?

By Dallas Willard Words of Life
God's "response" to our prayers is not a charade. He does not pretend that he is answering our prayer when he is only doing what he was going to do anyway. Our requests really do make a difference in what God does or does not do. The idea that everything…
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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

By Jim Hylton Words of Life
The evil queen's question in the Disney classic Snow White is at the heart of this issue of our identity: "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" We seek the aid of a mirror to check on our appearance. Our reason for consulting the mirror is…
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