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A Promise for More

By Sheila Walsh Words of Life
I can still see their faces and the big cheesy grins that swept from ear to ear. Christian and his friend Chase sat up in their twin beds like little princes with room service menus in hand. I had brought Christian and his buddy with me to Fort Lauderdale, where…
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Diary of a Roman Soldier

By Randy Robison Words of Life
Wednesday We killed the Nazarene heretic today. For the Jewish holidays, Bellicus and I were placed on the speira assigned to the Sanhedrin. It’s the duty nobody wants, so it’s mainly comprised of grunts from the 7th cohort. It’s bad enough being bossed around by your centurion, but when one…
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Be Weird

By Craig Groeschel Words of Life
Being normal isn't quite as easy and painless as it once seemed to be. In fact, it's more time consuming than ever. There aren't enough hours in the day to buy, sell, drive, cook, clean, call, shop, eat, plan, study, write, review, schedule, and follow through on everything. Overwhelmed, overloaded,…
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The Breath of Life

By Bob Hamp Words of Life
Only moments earlier, a lifeless object had lain on the ground.  In a moment, everything shifted, and now, standing boldly in the light, a man stared intently upward and gasped in new air.  What had been dead tissue was now bright pink lungs, rising and falling with every vigorous breath. …
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From Confession to Conspiracy

By Eric Metaxas Words of Life
"We will have to move through a very deep valley, I believe much deeper than we can since now, before we will be able to send the other side again." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer As Adolf Hitler rose to power in the early 1930’s, he sought to influence the German churches for…
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Building to the Code

By Philip De Courcy Words of Life
I once read that Willie Nelson, the country star, bought his own golf course. Somebody asked what “par” was. “Anything I want it to be,” he replied. “See that hole over there? It’s a par 47.” Then he added, “And yesterday, I birdied it!” That would be laughable if it…
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A Saved Mind

By Beth Moore Words of Life
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV)   The New King James renders this phrase in the Greek as “sound mind.” The other part of the phrase is where we get the…
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