The pastor and television commentator walks through several of the Ten Commandments and explains why they are desperately needed in the lives of people today.
The author of "Life Is Messy, God Is Good" shares experiences of God being in the middle of difficult times, her struggles, and life's disappointments.
The Israelites witnessed a unique and amazing move of God. He powerfully freed them from slavery. He miraculously parted the Red Sea and destroyed their enemies. He graciously led them with signs through the desert. He supernaturally…
RescueLIFE was initiated in 2008 to combat the evil of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a $150 billion industry. Each year, millions of men, women, and children endure the evil of sex trafficking, exploitation, and slavery. Current estimates show nearly 5 million women and children are victims of sex trafficking.
LIFE Outreach International is a Christian, faith-based organization committed to expressing God's love in both word and deed. This commitment is in answer to Jesus' challenge to spread the Good News of His salvation to all people and every nation.