LIFE Outreach has a heart for children around the world, especially the neglected, orphaned, abused, and abandoned. For these little ones, life is too harsh too soon and full of devastating consequences.
LIFE Outreach has a heart for children around the world, especially the neglected, orphaned, abused and abandoned. For these little ones, life is too harsh too soon and full of devastating consequences.
LIFE Centers are an answer for the brokenhearted, a place for healing, hope and wholeness. Located on four continents, our 8 LIFE Centers are uniquely equipped to meet the specific needs of children and communities where they’re located.
For children who have nowhere else to turn to for help, LIFE Centers offer a loving atmosphere, food, a bed, clothes, an education and godly instruction.
LIFE Centers are not temporary fixes to an area’s problems; they are thriving solutions that bring significant, long-lasting change in communities unable to meet the needs of their own children.
Why We Need Your Help?

LIFE Centers can best be described by what they share in the communities they serve. Many began as shelters for children without homes, adding daily education and life-skills development as needed. Some began as community churches and expanded to feeding outreaches for the elderly and children. Others are homes for children freed from human trafficking. Each one is unique and shares the ministry of LIFE in ways necessary to that community. In this time, when so many children, especially in underdeveloped nations, must fend for themselves, LIFE Centers mean there is hope and a future for them. Thank you for sharing opportunities with people who have so little.
Why We Need Your Help?

LIFE Centers can best be described by what they share in the communities they serve. Many began as shelters for children without homes, adding daily education and life-skills development as needed. Some began as community churches and expanded to feeding outreaches for the elderly and children. Others are homes for children freed from human trafficking. Each one is unique and shares the ministry of LIFE in ways necessary to that community. In this time, when so many children, especially in underdeveloped nations, must fend for themselves, LIFE Centers mean there is hope and a future for them. Thank you for sharing opportunities with people who have so little.
Donate Now
Thank you for your contribution, which is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. If funds exceed the specific need of a project, or due to unforeseen circumstances the project cannot be completed, they will be used for similar purposes or other outreaches of LIFE such as Mission Feeding, Rescue LIFE, Water for LIFE, and The LIFE TODAY program. While every effort will be made to apply your gift according to an indicated preference, if any, LIFE Outreach International has complete discretion and control over the use of the donated funds. We thank God for you and appreciate your support.
LIFE Outreach International is a longtime member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).