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Words of Life

Glory Goals

By Rebecca George July 30, 2023 Words of Life

As A. W. Tozer wrote in The Purpose of Man, our purpose is “that we might worship God and enjoy Him forever.” God’s glory should be our ultimate aim. Our pursuits should be an act of worship. The way we love others should give evidence of our surrender to Christ. The tasks we pour ourselves into should be done with such care, responsibility, and grace that they make a nonbeliever stop and wonder who we’re living for.

In a recent worship service, before my husband stood to preach, we sang “Evermore,” a popular song by Jason Breland. I had been writing this, and the lyrics led me to pray that you, too, could enjoy God through worshipping Him. As you think about what God is whispering in your heart, I encourage you to pray these words:

Evermore I will love You, evermore I will serve You

Evermore I will glorify the name of the Lord

Evermore I’ll adore You, evermore bow before You

I will bless Your name forevermore.

I think we all can become overwhelmed by the idea of a “purpose” or “calling.” We’re sent mixed messages by the world as to what “success” means (and how to achieve it). It’s easy to become so focused on the negatives that we become paralyzed by fear (another clever ploy of the Enemy).

That’s why we’re going to change up our language to gain a clearer picture of where God is leading each of us. Let’s start by calling this “thing” our glory goal.

What do I mean by a glory goal? A glory goal is our attempt to clearly communicate our faith through our actions: “This is how I am using my gifts and talents to advance the kingdom and bring God glory.” It is the God-given assignment that will allow us to further the gospel and make disciples along the way.

Your glory goal might seem small, or it might seem larger than life. No matter what it is, your glory goal will require surrender. As you move to a complete dependence on God and walk in step with the Holy Spirit, you’ll develop a “more of Him, less of me” mentality, remembering the declaration: “You have the same power that raised Jesus from the grave living inside you. YOU CAN DO THIS.”

When we live in this truth, we are able to work from a place of gospel-centered, here-to-worship-God purpose. This is where glory goals are born.


Rebecca George joins Randy and Tammy this Tuesday on LIFE TODAY. Excerpted from Do the Thing © 2023 by Rebecca George. Used by permission of David C Cook. May not be further reproduced. All rights reserved. Published by Esther Press, an imprint of David C. Cook.

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