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Words of Life

God Talks To Us

By James Robison September 22, 2024 Words of Life

All of us need direction and wise counsel. God offers it. Wisdom not only comes from the Word, but from above. The God who wrote the Word communicated it and controlled those who recorded it. The Bible itself is a supernatural, God-breathed gift and can be trusted. The God who inspired it desires to communicate with each one of us in a very personal way. You can hear God.

Jesus made it clear that His sheep hear and know His voice. At creation in Genesis, God talked with Adam and Eve, not only giving them divine direction, but also confronting their ineffective attempt to cover their nakedness by asking why they were hiding. He then followed with a very clear explanation of the consequences of their actions. Throughout the Old Testament, God communicated with the patriarchs and the prophets. God did not love Moses, Abraham, Samuel, David, Peter, John, Paul or any other person in the past any more than He loves us.

In recent days, as people have become more keenly aware of Holy Spirit power and a meaningful, personal relationship with God, along with the fact that the gifts have not passed away, you will often hear someone commenting, “I got a word from God!” Perhaps more frequently than is best, someone will comment, “I have a word for you.” Sometimes they do. Sometimes the best advice is beware. I find myself often deeply concerned about how frequently you hear people asking around church or in some spiritual setting, “Do you have a word for me?” People ask this quite often if they perceive that the person they are addressing has a meaningful, personal relationship with God.

It is perfectly appropriate to share a word with others, but we must be very careful how we present it. None of us are infallible and the closer we get to God, sometimes we are misled into believing that we always hear clearly or even perfectly. Often this is not the case. It does not mean we should live with fearful unrest or distrust. It does imply, however, that we walk in continuous humility and legitimate meekness, perhaps expressing a thought that is most appropriate, “Lord, when we are wrong, make us willing to change. When we are right, make us easy to live with.” Sometimes when we’ve been dead on, we will soon find ourselves puffed up with pride, and then dead wrong.

I have enjoyed a meaningful, conversational relationship with God for extended periods of time. I am heartbroken to know how few Christians even believe such a relationship is possible. I am convinced it is what God wants for all of His children. It is in some ways an expression of what Paul exhorted New Testament Christians to do, “Pray without ceasing.” We are to live continually communicating with God. We share our heart and then listen to hear His heart. As I have gotten older, most of my praying consists of listening.

Scripture reveals, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” The ability to live a life of faith comes from hearing God and hearing comes from the Word. If you’re not a student of His Word and fail to study it, your ears will not be open to hear clearly and you will have limited faith. Your confidence will be lacking. If you do not know His Word, you will not be able to discern the sounds in the realm of the Spirit.

Let me give you an example of “a word” in light of “the Word.”  If you want “a word” from God concerning a situation, direction, person, or something important, you need to go first to “the Word.” You can always trust “the Word” to help you find “a word” for a particular situation. Keep in mind the word to some other person in the scriptures is not necessarily “a word” to you. For example, God told Joshua and Israel to march around Jericho seven days and on the seventh day to blow a trumpet and the walls would come down and they did. You may face your own “Jericho” – some serious problem. The word for you is not necessarily to spend the next seven days marching around that person or that problem and then blow a trumpet. That was specific direction for Israel, which illustrates the point that we can also get specific direction now. But God’s way for them is not necessarily the way for you.

Consider the fact it is possible to walk on the water. You can read the truth of this supernatural possibility in the scriptures. Peter walked on the water. Study that passage until you are pickled in scriptures and then go try to walk across the lake or a local neighborhood swimming pool. It will never work unless Jesus says to you what He said to Peter: “Come to Me on the water.” The word to Peter is not necessarily the word to you, but God will give you a word.

You can be assured our great God and Father wants conversational fellowship with you. If you will seek to know His Word, you will begin to know Him and hear Him in ways you’ve never imagined.


This week, James and Betty talk to special guest Ed Rush about hearing God’s voice. Watch LIFE Today every day at


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