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Discover Who You Are This New Year

By James Robison Words of Life
While many people are making New Year’s resolutions, I’m praying for a supernatural recognition of who believers are in Christ. We are kingdom people—no longer orphans, but sons and daughters of almighty God and members of the family of faith. Together, Christians are the body of Christ – blood-bought, born-again…
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Joy to the World

By Randy Robison Words of Life
God wants you to be happy. That is a big part of the reason he sent his Son. How do I know this? Because when the angels announced his birth, both to his mother, Mary, and to the shepherds that came to worship him, they said so. In Luke 1:30,…
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By Carol Kent Words of Life
The dictionary defines contentment as “the quality or state of being contented,” and contented is defined as “feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation.”1 One of the key ingredients of contentment is accepting the hand dealt to us in life, our place in this world, the people in…
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Thy Kingdom Come

By James Robison Words of Life
Years ago, just before my 18th birthday, I turned every part of my life over as completely as I knew how to the Lord Jesus. I answered His call to proclaim His truth, and He filled me to overflowing with His Spirit and supernaturally gifted me to communicate. I was…
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Real Friends

By Deanna Favre Words of Life
Scripture: “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever — the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know…
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The 12th Man

By Randy Robison Words of Life
On January 2, 1922, the underdog Aggies of Texas A&M took to the field against mighty Centre College, the number one team in the country. Back then, the small agricultural school did not have an abundance of players on the team. As the hard-fought gridiron battle wore on, injuries and…
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When Praying, Listen

By James Robison Words of Life
God has not only called me to preach, He has called me to prayer. It is important to note that Jesus commanded His disciples to preach, but He taught them to pray. The ministry God gave me was birthed and bathed in prayer and I am grateful that millions have…
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The Butterfly Effect

By Andy Andrews Words of Life
In 1963, Edward Lorenz presented a hypothesis to the New York Academy of Science. His theory, stated simply, was that: A butterfly could flap its wings and set molecules of air in motion, which would move other molecules of air, in turn moving more molecules of air – eventually capable…
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Finding Help

By Betty Robison Words of Life
About fifteen years into our marriage, James and I found ourselves caught up in a vicious cycle that lasted for several years. James began his ministry at age eighteen, and after nearly two decades of preaching five or six times a day for more than 250 days a year, he…
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