Jenna Quinn has pioneered the national child sexual abuse prevention movement since 2004. She is the author of Pure In Heart, a TED speaker, and the namesake of Jenna’s Law.
Passed unanimously in Texas in 2009, Jenna’s Law was the first comprehensive child sexual abuse prevention education mandate in the U.S requiring K-12 sexual abuse prevention for students, school staff, and caregivers. It requires each school district to adopt and implement a prevention policy that educates students, teachers, and caregivers on how to prevent, recognize, and report child sexual abuse. Now, over half the country has adopted legislation reflecting the principals of Jenna’s Law, including federal legislation filed called, “The Jenna Quinn Law.”
With an educational background in Psychology, Counseling, Applied Behavioral Therapy Services, and a Master’s Degree in Communications, Jenna has reached international audiences, educating and sharing her inspiring story with legislatures, law-enforcement, abuse-prevention groups, schools, communities of faith, nonprofit organizations, and the general public delivering over 500 keynote speeches.
As a survivor who benefited from the services of a Children’s Advocacy Center, Jenna has worked with over 100 Child Advocacy Centers across the country. Moreover, she has worked with over 26 states to help implement prevention education policies and reached over 3 million children and youth.
Jenna is also the founder of Reveal to Heal International nonprofit. Reveal to Heal Intl. is a non-profit dedicated to preventing all forms of child sexual abuse and helping survivors heal. Reveal to Heal empowers adults and students to prevent child sexual abuse through education and training. Reveal to Heal also emboldens survivors in their pursuit of healing through their restorative survivor program, “Breaking Free.”
Jenna also serves on several boards and committees, including TX Governor Abbott’s task force. She has participated in both local and international radio, television, and news programs, including Glamour Magazine, CBN, CNN, the 700 Club, and our United States Senate. She is a wife and a mother and lives with her family in the Dallas, Texas area. Jenna Quinn has dedicated the past 20 years of her life to educating and inspiring others.